The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

1 Records BUFFALO EVENING NEWS Saturday, April 20, 1940 In Memoriam HAEFNER -In lovinz memory of our dear husband and father. Frank Haefner. passed away one sear ago today, April 20, 1939. WIFE. Sadly DAUGHTER' AND SON.

HORNUNG -In loving memory of my dear wife, Fredericka E. who passed away three years ago today. April 21. 1937. The blow was great.

the shock severe. We little thought the end was near And only those who loved can tell The pain of parting without farewell. HUSBAND. LAMENDOLA -In loving memory of our dear father, Salvatore, who passed away two years ago today. April 20, 1938.

Gone but not forgotten. SONS AND DAUGHTERS. MILLER In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Barbara Miller. who passed away seven years ago. April 21.

1933. Dear mother. you are not forgotten. Though on earth you are no more: Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. DAUGHTER JOAN AND GRANDCHILDREN.

Deaths BIHR Otto H. Bihr, suddenly. in Buffalo, N. April 19. 1940, beloved husband of Elsie Blank: son of Gottlied and Anna Bihr; brother of Frederick and John Bihr.

Funeral from the family home, 50 Gerald Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. under the auspices of Lake Erie Lodge No. 435. 1. 0.

0. F. Friends invited. 20122 BURKHARDT- Katherine Burkhardt (nee Umber), in Boston. N.

April 19. wife 01 the late Michael Burkhardt; mother of Mrs A. Meyer and Fred. George. John and Christ Burkhardt and the late Katherine Owen.

Anna Armbruster and Magdaline Leibler. Funeral from the home of A N. Meyer of Patchin. N. Y.

Monday. April 22. at 1:30 P. M. and from Boston Community Church at 2.

19120 EATON- George G. Eaton, April 19, 1940. husband of Alvina Noeller: brother of Mrs. Elmer Darby of Buffalo: William Eaton, West Falls and the late Rose and Charles Eaton. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services at his home, 1203 Michigan on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Interment at Forest Lawn. 19:20 EATON- Harry A. Eaton, in this city, April 19, husband of the late Nettle E. Brenner: father of Albert E. Eaton: brother of the late Mrs.

Caroline Hubbell. Pearl W. Donald and Nathaniel W. Eaton. Services at E.

Wedekindt Chapel. 5 Walden AVe. Friends may call until P. M. Sunday afternoon.

Deceased WAS a member of Brotherhood And Boilermakers, Iron and Shipbullders of America. Lodge No. 277. Interment Cleveland, 0. GEIB--William H.

Geib. In East Aurora, April 19. 1940, husband of Martha Bullis Gelb: father of George Mrs. Edith Graham and the late Mrs. Alice Holmes, Jennie, Clarence and Mrs.

Marion Haskell. Deceased was a member of Aurora Borealls Lodge No. 642. 1, 0. 0.

and Blazing Star Lodge No. 694. F. A. Funeral from his late residence, 509 Oakwood Sunday at 4 P.

Services grave under auspices of Blazing 'Star Lodge. Interment in Oakwood Cemetery. 19:20 GORMAN--Etta Gorman. April 20, 1940. beloved wife of Frederick; mother of F.

Lloyd. Mrs. Norman Kohier and Mrs. Russell Hart. Funeral from 299 Winslow Tuesday morning at 8:30 and from St.

Mary Magdalene Church at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited. 20122 GOSSMAN- -Anna Gossman. April 19 1940. wife of the late Anthony: beloved mother of Edward.

Mrs. A. Hackemer Mrs. A. Nowak.

Mrs. J. J. Collins, Mrs. E.

A. Oebler. George and the late John Gossman: grandmother of Dorothy, Edward. Ethel and Ernst Gossman and Herbert Hackemer. Funeral from 226 Stevenson blvd.

Monday at 8:30 and from St. Benedict Church at 9 o'clock Deceased WAS A member of the Rosary and Altar Society. GUITTER -Michael Guitter in East A u- rora. N. April 19.

1940, beloved husband of Rosa Banzer Gutter; father of Mrs. George Pond. Funeral from the Howe Funeral Home Monday at 9 A. M. and from Immaculate Conception Church at 9:30 A.

M. Interment in Oakwood Cemetery. HARRISON -Edward H. Harrison. in Butfalo, April 18.

1940, husband of Clara V. Farel; father of Mrs. Raymond Schindler and Edward H. Harrison grandfather of Raymond Schindler and Edward Jay Harrison. Funeral from the family residence, 310 Jewett Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friends are Invited to attend. Deceased was A member of Commodore Perry Lodge No. 623, I. 0. 0.

F. and F. O. E. Aerie No.

46. Services under the auspices of Commodore Perry Lodge. 19120 BATTEN- -John P. Hatten, April 19. 1940.

husband of the late Anna Rudroff: father of John J. Margaret William W. and Emily A. Hatten. Mrs.

Louis Buchheit, Mrs. A. J. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Norman Brennan, Funeral from the family residence, 90 Heath Monday morning at 8:15 and from St.

Joseph's Church, University Heights, at 9 o'clock Friends are invited to attend. HAWKINS Clifford R. Hawkins, in Butfalo. Y. April 18, 1940, husband of Alzada (nee Robb); father of Stanley Ruth Mrs.

Reinhold Bohnacker and Luther H. Funeral from the Floyd Brown Funeral Home, 69 Argyle Orchard Park. N. Sunday, April 21, at 2:30 P. M.

Friends invited. HAYES-Marie C. Hayes (nee Fox). suddenly. April 18.

1940. of 217 Minnesota ave beloved wife of the late Edward Hayes; daughter of Margaret A. and the late Edward Fox; sister of Mrs. Charles F. Brady of Syracuse, N.

Y. Funeral from Robert L. Glancey's Funeral Home. 2 University ave. Monday morning at 9:15 and from St.

Joseph's Church (University Heights at 10 clock Deceased was a member of the Altar Society of St. Joseph's Church JEWART- Geraldine Fay Jewart, April 19. 1940. beloved daughter of Charles N. and Mildred Baker Jewart.

Funeral from George N. Kennedy Mortuary, 914 Abbott rd. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are Invited. KENNEDY- James F.

Kennedy, April 18. 1940, husband of Edith F. Nash Funeral from the Ray O'Connell Funeral Home 2286 South Park Monday morning at 8:15 and from St. Agatha's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited to attend.

Deceased WAS a member of Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers Local No. 472. -Katherine A. Lietz. April 19.

1940 wife mother of Evangeline Lietz: sister of Mrs. James R. Walsh of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. William A.

Barr Dr. James L. Gallagher, Frank, Thomas P. and George F. of Lockport and Timothy W.

of Sangertield. Oneida County. N. Remains may be viewed at 225 Humboldt until Sunday morning. Burial at Waterville, Oneida County, N.

Monday at 10 A 19120 LIPPERT--Frederick Lippert, April 18. 1940. son of the late John G. and Helen Deisig Lippert; brother of Mrs. Albert Smith.

Mrs. Christine Hens and the late John and Henry Lippert. Funeral from John C. McGinnis Funeral Home. 274 East Utica.

Sunday afternoon at 2:30 clock. Friends are invited. 19120 AUSTRIA MOURNS DEATH OF KATHI Confidante of Emperor Franz Josef Dead in Vienna; Burial Monday Special to the BUFFALO EVENING News. VIENNA, April 20 -All Austria bowed its head in grief today, mourning the passing of its "uncrowned empress." Katharina (Kathi) Schratt, 87-year-old actress-confidante. of Emperor Josef.

She died Wednesday night and burial services will be Monday. Clinging to dreams of the old. gay Vienna she knew SO well. Kathi, as she was known, spent her last years in a little villa with her aging servants. Forced to sell jewelry, piece by piece, and her ancient furniture to provide food for her household, she refused consistently to with her memoirs of the life the emperor.

part, even though the offers from publications during days of privation were tempting. Disturbed by Changes "The Gnadige Frau," as the emperor used to call her, was 82 when the Nazis invaded Austria. The changing times disturbed her. Her hair was snow -white and she walked with a cane, but spirit was still youthful and memohere ries still fresh. Madame de Kiss as she was Deaths MARSH--Hiram B.

Marsh. in Buffalo. N. April 19. 1940.

husband of Ida M. Sprague: father of Lisla M. Ellis and Mrs. C. A.

Elliott: grandfather of Elaine M. Elliott. Brother of Mrs. Ray Winters of Franklinville, N. Y.

Funeral from the Link- Fox Company Mortuary, 355 5 Grant st. Monday afternoon at 2 clock. Friends Invited. Interment at Springville, N. under the auspices of Springville Lodge No.

588, I. 0. 0. F. MARTIN- -Edna Bowen Martin, April 18.

wife of William E. J. Martin; daughter of Lillian and the late Lewis Bowen of Randolph. sister of Harold Bowen of Buffalo, N. Y.

Mrs. Homer Carr of Burt. N. Mrs. Peter A Yoos of Kansas City.

Mo. Friends are invited to funeral services in the home. 717 Linwood ave. Sunday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock. Burial in Sample Hill Cemetery.

Town of Randolph. Cattaraugus County. N. Y. Deceased was a member of Variety Barkerettes of Buffalo, N.

Y. 19120 NEHLS- Henry Frederick Nehls, suddenly. April 18. 1940. beloved husband of the late Fredericka Kohlhogen; father of Paul.

Mrs. William Stach. Marie. Ella, Nora and the late Emma Nehls. Funeral from the family residence.

14 Olsen Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Friends invited to attend. 18:20 O'HARA Bartlett O'Hara. in this city, April 18. 1940.

husband of the late Mary Ann Golden O'Hara: father of Mrs. William Murphy of Sharon. Thomas W. Joseph and Leo H. O'Hara of this city.

Funeral from the residence of his son. Joseph O'Hara. 72 Russell ave, Monday morning at 8:15 o'clock and from Annunciation Church at 9 o'clock. Friends invited to attend. 19:20 PROVINO -Mary Grace Provino (nee Battagliar, in this city.

April 19, 1940, beloved wife of Joseph: mother of Russell L. Joseph. Michael, Samuel and the late Anthony, Mrs. Michael Mascart and Mrs. John Cammarata of Ridgeway, sister of Mrs.

Peter Fadale of Albion. N. Mrs. Dennis Desprese. Charles.

Joseph of Batavia. N. Frank, George and the late Anthony and Teresa Fadale, Funeral will be held from the family residence. 26 Prospect ave. Monday morning at 9 A M.

and from St. Anthony's Church at 9:30. Friends invited. RATHFON- -Mary Frances Rathfon. April 18.

1940. wife of Gilbert Rathfon: sister of Leon M. and Warren C. Mernan. Funeral from the O'Gorman Funeral Home, 2554 Main Monday morning at 9:15 and at St.

Joseph's Cathedral (Delaware Avenue) at 10 clock. Friends invited. 19:20 RITER Alfred Riter, in Spokane. April 17 1940. son of the late Caroline and Jacob Riter: brother of Julius J.

of Buffalo and the late Carrie (Riter) Bagg BOEBEL-J. William Boebel, in Buffalo April 19, 1940. husband of C. Fredericka Ay, and father of William and Clarence J. Boebel Funeral from his home, 372 14th Monday alternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Friends are invited. RYAN -Anne C. Ryan (nee Riordan, April 19. 1940, beloved wife of Thomas C. Ryan: sister of Mrs.

Margaret Bowen of Buffalo, Edward J. Riordan of Grand Rapids, and the late Mrs. Wilfred Rains. Funeral from the family restdence, 353 Bryant Tuesday morning at 9:15 and from St. Joseph's Cathedral (Delaware Avenue) at 10 o'clock.

Sault Ste. Marie, papers please copy 19122 SISTER M. ROSARI (Delia Kerrigan)- April 19, 1940, at Mt. St. Joseph's Academy, sister of Charles C.

Kerrigan and Mrs. Charles Carney of New Haven, Conn Solemn requiem mass at Mt. St. Joseph's Chapel, 2064 Main Monday morning 9:30. 19120 SMITH -Cecelia Morgan Smith.

April 19. 1940. beloved wife of William mother of Mrs. Alfred Schaefer. Funeral from the John J.

Creash Funeral Home. Main at Highgate. Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Friends Invited. STRASSER J.

Fred Strasser, formerly ol Buffalo, N. Y. April 20. 1940. husband of the late Ella Elwert Strasser; brother of Henry.

Mrs. Edward Lang and the late George and Ernestine Strasser. Funeral from residence of his niece, Mrs. Norman Bosard, 10 Pleasant Lancaster. N.

Y. Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Friends invited to attend. 20122 -Julia M.

(nee Lemke), in Buffalo, April 20, 1940. beloved wife of the late Michael: mother of Howard. William, Raymond and Norma. Mrs. Wilham Klieg Jr.

Funeral from the family residence, 246 Leroy Tuesday alternoon at 2:30. Friends invited. 20122 WOLF -Louise Wolf (nee Koehler. this city. April 18.

1940, beloved wife of Bernhard: mother of Mrs. Edward Mack, Mrs. Viola Schmidt; grandmother of John. Hino and Arlene Mack; daughter of the late Louise and Fred Kochler; sister of John, Fred, William, and Mrs. John Riedhammer.

Funeral from the family residence, 41 Warring ave, Sunday at 2:30 P. Friends invited. 18120 THOMAS V. RAY FUNERAL HOME 465 Franklin St. Between Allen and Virginia Throughout our long years of experience, we have always considered it a duty to render such additional personal service as will meet every requirement of the most difficult situation.

"Ask the Family We Have Thomas V. Ray Undertaking Service Is Within the Means of All Est. 1897 GArfield 1074 known to only a few persons-was not looked upon as another du Barry or Pompadour by the Austrian subjects. She was their emperor's friend, his consoler and, as such, was a friend to the people. In court circles greeted "the Gnadige Frau" everyone, Neither nor scandal touched this gracious lady.

Her legal name was Kathi von Kiss, contracted when she married the Hungarian nobleman, Geza von Kiss, in 1891, reputedly at the suggestion of the emperor. Herr von Kiss died in 1919 and legend had it he the only man she had ever loved. but was forced by the emperor to leave him. Received $250,000 Fund When Franz Josef died in 1916, he left Kathi a trust fund of 000. This was seized by the Austrian Republic when the Hapsburgs lost power in the post-World War turmoil.

Katharina was a beautiful young dancer when Emperor Franz Josef first saw her perform at the Burgtheater in Vienna. Legend had it that Empress Elisabeth arranged for the emperor, under whose patronage the theater was to see her. At any event. he gave her an audience, at which she boldly said: "Sire. we cannot maintain ourselves on the salary you pay.

owe $50.000 for my costumes." Emperor Franz promised new funds for the theater, and said he personally would take care of her debts. Gave Up Career She was backing gracefully to the door, when the emperor spoke again: "Gnadige Frau." he said, "why do you leave us?" The meeting with the emperor proved such a success that Kathi Schratt gave up her stage career. He built a yellow-painted villa for her just a few steps from the castle of Shoenbrun. There it was that Franz Josef, a stickler for formal attire, used to call on Kathi at 4 in the morning for his breakfast! And his "Gnadige Frau," resplendent in glittering jewels and decolletage, received her royal visitor. shared a bottle or two of Pilsner, listened to the court gossip and laughed gayly at his jokes.

It was this ex who told the emperor that a hairactress cut and mended his socks. She was his domestic complement. sheared of the monotony of regal obligations. Sympathized With Poor Whether Kathi Schratt influenced the emperor in political affairs is pure conjecture, since it was generally agreed by all who knew him that was closemouthed on such affairs. That she influenced him in making provisions for the poor and needy was true.

Her heart and feelings were always for the masses, rather than for the more fortunate. During her last years, when her pension was revoked, she refused to part with any of her faithful servants since she realized that they were too feeble and aged to find employment elsewhere. So she kept them and provided for them like her own family. When the emperor died in 1916, during the World War, he left her a comfortable pension, along with numerous jewel treasures. Refused Valuable Gifts During his lifetime, she refused to accept jewels or gifts of great value from him.

However, the emperor, an enthusiastic hunter, sent her a wild boar, with diamond earrings, bracelets, a necklace and a breastplate. After the World War, Mme. Schratt's pension was canceled by the Austrian republic. It was at that time that publishers her with fat offers to write her memoirs. She chose to mortgage her home instead.

Only in one instance did she write publicly of her memories. That was when she came to the defense of the Archduke Rudolph, suicide son of the emperor, whose love for the Baroness Vetsera brought. about the so-called Mayer- ling tragedy of 1889. Says Youth Went Bad He killed himself and his sweetheart of 14 days, she said in 1931, not. because his father, the emperor, had been hard toward him.

but because he was driven mad by love. She denied he was assassinated. The Empress Elizabeth remained Mme. Schratt's friend to her death. She called for Kathi to console the emperor when it was learned that her son, the crown prince, had committed suicide.

She once had a portrait of Kathi made and gave it to her husband. During World War. Mme. Schratt nursed wounded soldiers, but retired to her villa at the coninclusion of hostilities to a morel quiet existence than was her lot during the reign of Franz Josef. Although, in her old age a recluse, she occasionally emerged from her lodgings to attend the Capuchin church.

Then she shared her funds with the street beggars and showered corn on the pigeons of Vienna. Willard Underhill Taylor GARDEN CITY. -N. April 20 Willard Underhill Taylor, 70. lawyer and yachtsman and brother of Myron C.

Taylor, now President Roosevelt's personal representative at the Vatican, died of a heart ailment at his Long Island home Friday night. Admiral Sir Ernest Gaunt LONDON, April 20 -Admiral Sir Ernest Gaunt, 75, who rear admiral in the first battle squadron in the Battle of Jutland, died today. Distinctive Funeral Service at a Moderate Cost Albert B. Thompson FUNERAL SERVICE 911 TONAWANDA ST. RI.

3550 RI. 6983 City-Wide Service, Including Surrounding Towns Deeds--Mortgages Records left befone April 20 now ready Deeds Erwin E. Grove to Joseph J. Roccaty, Amherst Xavier Stealin to Xavier Stehlin. Dodge 297 E.

Michigan. Wallace Merry to Daniel A A. Messina, Evans, Joseph W. Kriegel to Harold L. Burton, West Seneca.

Margaret Howard to George Hofhing. Timon E. 327 S. Northampton. Prank Arcara to Angela Arcara, Angola (two) Martin A.

Brechelsen to Prances B. Brecheisen, W. Utica 8. 551 W. Delaware.

Substantial Really Co. Inc, to Clarence Barrow, W. Seneca Home Savines Bank of the City of Albany to Joseph M. Martineck. Tonawanda.

Marine Trust Co. to Paul J. Rich Jr. Mona S. Amherst.

Percival V. Bowen to Marine Trust same Henry Missert Peed Co. Inc. by assignee to Norman Marx, city 2 parcels Walter Premming to Carrie Fremming. Amheist, Albert G.

Striegel to William C. Lennox. Colden. Aaron Oxenhorn by reteree to Erle County Savings Bank, $550. Park W.

1154 Hertel. Elsie K. Rusch to Robert A. Klenke. AshLon 433 5.

Park HOLO tO Louise A. Ganninger. Pennsylvania 8. 35 w. West.

Runser Riding Academy Inc. to Old Trading sub lots 142 A 144. Antoinette Schmidt to Charles Weber, Evans. Simon Helm to Edward Daigier. Amherst.

Daisy D. Lansdowne to William Siegel. Tonawanda, William J. Siegel to Franz E. Lindbers.

same. Caroline Tredo by referee to Briles $300. Emslie W. 157 N. Clinton.

Aetna Permanent Savings Loan AsS11 to Henry W. Walters. Vermont S. 30 N. Clinton.

County of Erie to Edward J. Lublin, Tonawanda, William George to Jean R. George, Grand Island (two Robert A. Kienke to Elsie Klenke. Leslie 365 N.

W. Genesee; Leslie E. 394 N. Genesee. Bertha E.

Yeager to Laura H. Stradtman. Merrimac N. 367 W. Mildred.

Leonard H. Howard to Medora T. Burg. Cloverdale S. 396 Olymple.

Valeria M. Werdein to Buffalo Savings Bank. Sherman 366 S. Genesee. Louise E.

Stein to Gabriel Taberski. Imson W. 220 S. Seneca. Peter Kijak to John Kowalski.

Lackawanna Mary Janezyk to Joseph Macaicas, same. Caroline Metzer to Vietor W. Quinn. Amherst. Henry C.

Wright to Joseph Wright. same. Sam Winer to Rose Winer, Donaldson S. 841 E. Lonsdale HOLC to Adelle Miller W.

720 Broadway Charles T. Ludeman to Ruth M. Lehmann, Seneca. Cornelius MeHueh by administrator to Mary Burns. Elma, LeBrun Corp.

to Frank L. Springsteed. Amherst. County of Erie to Patrick C. Dwyer, Tonavanda John Chileott by administrator etc.

to Nicholas Parentes. Southside E. 8. Hubbell Cleo Boland to Mateus Kamecki. Peabody 218 N.

Elk. Conniston Develonment Co. Inc. to Irving Beckier. Amherst C.

Fredericka Boebel to Charles J. Juskus. same. County of Erie to Hampton Parkway Tonawanda. Lida Kellogg to Cameron Baird.

Eden Lois K. Maury to same. same Spencer Kellogg Jr to same, same, Mortrages Frank L. Springsteed to LeBrun $1250. Amherst.

Patrick C. Dwyer to Buffalo Savings Bank. $4300. Tonawanda: $4100. same.

Ruth M. Lehmann to Charles T. Ludeman. $2000. W.

Seneca. Adelle Radzikowski to HOLC. $2250, Miller N. Broadway Hampton Parkway Inc to Sylvester Mahan. $2250.

Tonawanda, Cameron Baird to Cameron Baird by successor. transfer. $20.600 Eden. Louise A. Ganninger to HOLC.

$2500. Pennsyl. vania West. Joseph Roccaty to Erwin E. Grove, $5000, Amherst.

Elsie B. Kloten etc. to Bank of Orchard Park $1500. Orchard Park. Danita Construction Co.

Inc. to Baptist Life Assn $6200. Winspear Michael Newman to Kensington Savings Loan Assn. $3000. W.

Seneca. Josepn M. Martineck to Home Savings Bank of the City of Albany. $4700. Tonawanda.

Charles Krueger to Black Rock- Riverside Savings Loan $800. Simon N. Race. Joseph Wright to Prudential Insurance $12.500. Amherst.

John Hoffmann to First Federal Savings Loan $4200. W. Seneca. Franz Lindberg to St. Paul's Church, $2700 Tonawanda: Steven A Nagy.

$340. same. Henry W. Walters to Aetna Permanent Savings Loan $2700. Vermont N.

16th. Assignment of Mortgages State Line Sullivan Railroad Co. to Bernice Land Corp. $15.000 $35,000. Clara C.

Decos to Valentine A. Decot, Md. $3500. $3500 New York Life Insurance Co. to Hill Mortgage Corp $5500.

Marine Trust Co. to Hill Mortgage Coro $6100. Hill Mortgage Corp to New York Life Insurance $6100, $5500. Discharge of Mortgages. Helen Musto to Estelle C.

Hayden. Mary Albano to Buffalo Savings Bank. Louise Schutt to Virginia M. Decot et al by transfer. George H.

Gay to Liberty Bank. John Fo Chase to Henry Homever Magdalena Biller to Buffalo Savings Bank. David Metlin to Ernst Smith. Fred B. Eberbardt to George V.

Eberhardt. Hugo Veders to Louis Kress et al. Waclaw Letke to Carl B. Havs. Boleslaw Niemezyk to Boleslaw Szymanski, Clara Pierce to Emma L.

Klinfel George C. Bartoo to People's Bank of Hamburg. Joseph Ziegelhofer to William H. Willett Joseph G. Ziegelhofer to Dennis A.

Dilling ham Joseph Bunser Reuben O. Adams. Francis Siegel to Beatrice A. Myers, Anthony Koabel to Emeline Sutton. Lis Pendens Riverdale Cemetery Assn of Niagara Ruth Eppler et Kenmore Jessie I Lester etc.

vs. Maryanna Rutkowski, Beck N. Broadwav. Theodore Czolgosz VS. Kazimier Jarzyniecki et al.

block Forman Buffalo Savings Bank Vs. Prank Portrubacz et sub lot 61 Louis Wilhelm V9. Walter M. Zink et al Eagle E. Grosvenor: vs.

Chester A. Olmstead et al. Bryant E. Richmond, vs. Eli Roth etc et al.

Cedar William: vs. Sophia Seeberg et al Seneca W. Cedar, vs. James J. Pendergast et al.

Prospect HOLC VS. Jacob Rodenhausen, Ernst S. Ferry Trish- American Savings Loan Assn VS. Edward Jehle et West W. Vermont.

William D. Maier Vs. Rose Bousamra, city 2 parcels General Assignments Henry Missert Feed Co Inc. to Paul Stillman. Marge Sales Co.

Ine. to Emanuel Duke. Judgments (The first name is that of the John Whitehead and Rowena I. WhiteheadEastern Exchange $216.54, June Barrows-same. $142.80.

Michael ReCouper-same. $405.61 Schaffer $75.18. Esther -International Railway $91.50 Arthur Roberts Kobler Miller Co. $72 01. Michael Ratchek- Frank Rudewiez.

$172.20 Joseph Sirkin-Montetiore Club $127.95. John Atple-George $481.25. John Derner-Harvey DeLong. $596.95. Certificates of Partnership North Park Garme, 14 Knox- William O'Neil.

92 Brayton: Frank Chadwick. 4216 Sheridan. Williamsville, Schnittker's Tavern. 818 Abbott Frederick Schnittker. Creek Road.

RFD 2. Tonawanda, Harold N. Schmittker. Charlotteville Road. Box 157.

Newfane Black Rock Metal Waste Paper 1383 Niagara Eugene Davis, 36 Barry; Julius Davis, 1394 Niagara Chip Steak Co. of Buffalo, 445 Ellicott. George H. Harry, Florence I. Harry.

Bernard 8. Stone. 141 Millicent. Nebrich 931 Ellicott-Eugene J. Nebrich.

1391 Main: Frederick Bure, 09 Milton, Williamsville. Home Food 38 Main. East RochesterFrank E. Allen. Pittsford, N.

Carlisle Gardner. Martha Gardner. 446 Hurstbourne rd. Rochester. Satisfactions of Judgment (First name is that of debtor) Sam Nicolast-H Clifford Roofing Co.

Inc. $102.77. Dec. 12. 1934.

Irving McCabe Hazel McCabe (not summoned Hedstrom Spaulding $52 69. May 15, 1935. Arthur Tavior Mildred Taylor -Grace L. Georger $884.97. April 21, 1931.

Discharge of Mechanic Lien Blanchard Lumber Mill Co. Inc vs. trustees of Dartmouth College, owner. Hotel Markeen, contractor. April 3.

1940. Accidents Accidents 15, 140 Humason: of 1455 East Delavan, lacerations. 45. of 81 Clark: pedesGuilford and roadway, 37. of 203 Walnut: peBeck near Broadway, Friday, Fire Record Raymond Huss, collision 111 front 3:15 P.

M. Friday, Joseph Pomona, trian: struck At 3 A today, David Herring. destrian, Injured In Alarms since 3 P. M. Friday: 11:42 P.

Bailey East Delavan, automobile. 4:25 A. M. --364 14th. emergency call; 110 fire, 10:50 A.

M. -419 Sycamore, attic, $200. Obituaries Viscount Blin de Bourdon PARIS. April 20 (P). -Viscount Blin de Bourdon, last survivor of the National Assembly of 1871 and veteran of the Franco-Prussian War, through which he fought as a captain, died here today at the age of 102.

Election of the assembly of 1871, which ratified the peace of Frankfort ending the war with Germany, marked the transition from the Second Empire 10 the Third Republic. Admiral G. von Mueller BERLIN, April 20 (A). -Admiral Georg von Mueller, 86, last chief of the Kaiser's naval cabinet and general adjutant to the Kaiser, died Friday night at Hangelsbergon-the-Spree, 20 miles southeast of Berlin. U.

S. Weather Report (Forecasts till 7:30 P. April 21.1 For Buffalo and vicinity: Occasional rain tonight and part of Sunday, possibly mixed with snow. Continued low temperature. Lowest tonight about 34.

Strong northeast and north winds. Northeast storm warnings displayed. For Western New York: Rain tonight. Sunday occasional light rain. Not much change in temperature.

For the lower lakes: Fresh to and north winds strong, afternoon, tonight, and most of Sunday. Rain, possibly mixed with snow, and ending on extreme Western Erie by Sunday morning. Northeast storm warnings displayed. Shippers' forecast: Protest shipments during the next 24 to 36 hours from temperatures as follows: All directions, around 25. The temperature will remain quite low.

Weather in Principal Cities Saturday 24 ur. 12-nr. 24-hr. 7:30 am EST High Low Prec. BUFFALO Cloudy 47 38 0 Bflo.

Airport Cloudy 50 39 0 Albany Rain 52 38 ,01 Alpena Pt Cldy 47 33 0 Atlanta Rain 67 47 .64 Atlantic City Rain 53 42 1.36 Bismarck Pt. Cidy 64 34 Boston Rain 63 42 Brownsville Clear 89 56 Canton. N. Y. 52 30 Chicago Pt.

Cldy 50 40 Cincinnati Rain 44 40 2.96 Cleveland Rain 45 35 1.43 Denver Pt. Cidy 68 42 Des Molnes Cloudy 63 44 Detroit Cloudy 47 39 Duluth Cloudy 42 36 Fargo Clear 60 29 .05 Galveston Clear 74 50 Kansas City Clear 63 38 Los Angeles Cloudy 73 54 Memphis Pt. Cidy 49 42 .17 Miami Clear 83 62 132 Minneapolis Rain 66 47 New Orleans Clear 58 52 New York Rain 55 40 .54 Oklahoma Clear 66 47 0 Philadelphia Rain 50 43 1.50 Pittsburgh Rain 43 41 1.36 Raleigh Pt. Cldy 72 57 1.13 San Francisco Cloudy 61 50 0 Louis Clear 48 40 .01 Sault Ste. Marie Clear 50 33 0 Seattle Cloudy 64 47 .05 Tampa Cloudy 73 65 .64 Washington Rain 52 46 2.53 Montreal Cloudy 47 37 0 Toronto Cloudy 32 39 .0 Edmonton Rain 56 39 .10 Winnipeg Clear 69 32 0 means trace.

Comparative Temperatures Highest temperature past 24 hours at Weather Bureau Lowest temperature Friday night at Weather Bureau 38 Average temperature past 24 hours Normal for this date 45 Highest temperature this date since 1874 79 Lowest temperature this date since 1874 20 Deficiency in temperature since Jan. 1 377 Relative Data Time Bar Hu Wind V. W'ther Pr. 1017 45 12 030AM 1011 38 NE 26 Cloudy Precipitation For 24 hours ended 7:30 A. M.

Since April 1 2.21 Excess since Jan. 1 0.25 Unmelted snow past 24 hours J. H. SPENCER. Senior Meteorologist.

THE NEWS ALMANAC Sun rose today 5:27 A Sun sets today 7:04 P. M. Length of day 13 hours. 37 minutes Sunrises tomorrow 5:25 A. M.

MOON'S CHANGES Full moon April 21. 11:37 P. M. Last quarter April 29, 2:49 A. M.

New moon May 7. 7:07 A. M. First quarter May 14. 3:51 P.

M. Mercury morning star; Venus and Mars. evening stars. April 20 in History 1850-Daniel Chester French born. -Buffalo Evening News Almanac.

Year Ago- Premier Benito Mussolini rejects President Roosevelt's plea for decade of peace by non- -aggression on grounds that they were unnecessary and failed 10 take into consideration "pyramidal errors of geography." Poland informs both Britain and Russia that she will not participate even passively in British negotiations to draw Soviet Russia into the anti-aggression bloc. The arrival of two British warships now raises to 13 the number of war vessels and auxiliary ships now stationed at Alexandria. 25 YEARS AGO TODAY April 20. 1915-Indications of German offensive near Ypres as more troops concentrate. Weather -Cloudy Minimum New York Ship News SHIP ARRIVED FRIDAY FROM Amapala La Ceiba SHIP DUE SATURDAY FROM Cristobal SHIP SAIL SATURDAY FOR Manhattan Genoa Saturnia Naples Ville de Gand Antwerp Antigua Puerto Cortez Nieuw Amsterdam Curacao San Juan San Juan Santa Clara Valparaiso City Court Philip R.

Venneman vs. Charles Gimbrone. Robert J. Kuhn vs. Clifton Smith.

Vera Tomasello vs. Angelo Bonvissuto James D. Martin vs Carmen Tronolone, Earl F. Marchant vs. Thomas Corcoran.

Dean J. Gavin vs. Holly Quarles William J. Miller Vs. Burt Beebe.

Same vs. Franklin Ullenbruch. Alex Bannister V3 Steve Dubel and Henry Fuchs. Births April (Filed up to Noon. 1.

April 201 Boys were born to Mr. and 7---Norman A. Zollitsch. 81 Courtland. -Joseph J.

Swiatek, 749 William. 11-Leonard Szymanski. 155 Metcalfe. 12- William Swiercz, 179 Chicago. -Edward J.

Schuler. 378 Bissell. 6-Harold J. Schihl, 486 Ontario. 8-Daniel D.

Lanning. Clarence, Robert J. Lansdowne, Amherst. 20 -Cornelius Kelleher, 437 Elk. 13 Jack L.

Howell, 192 Wallace. 12-J. Paul Gilmor, 40 Peace. -Michael Fitzpatrick, 76 Good. Frederick F.

Deer, Williamsville. 11 Stanley Ches, 53 Lewis. Girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winter, Kenmore.

John Smith, Kenmore. 9- Harry G. Smith, 47 Parkdale. 8 Milton E. Schusterbauer 329 Lasalle.

10 Walter Proudman. 155 O'Connell. 11-Henry Piekarski, 186 Grote. 10-- Charles W. Person, 111 Penhurst Pk.

11-Tulio A. Paolini, 156 Rounds. Earl N. Johnson, Kenmore. 12-Joseph Gurecki, 646 Hertel.

-Charles Eberle, 372 Madison. 00 Herbert E. Deinzer, 23 Hobmoor. Roy Arber, Depew. 11 James O.

Anderson, 110 Sage. Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Zimmer, 308 Dewey (girls), Divorces After hearing testimony in uncontested suita, Supreme Court Justice John Maloney said today he will grant a divorce to Mrs.

Anna T. Jewiss, 19 Alamo from Basil A. Jewiss, and an Enoch Arden dissolution of marriage Lo Hugh Mack. 1599 Hertel ave who wedded Grace M. Mack In 1930 Mrs.

Jewiss testified her husband left her in 1927. They were married 111 1913 Mr. Mack testified he was married in 1930, his wife disappeared A year later and he believes she is dead. Today's Scratches Havre (Raining and Sloppy) 1-Becomly -Purr Buckle, Creole Sash, Marching Sir. 3 -Folly Fair, Wildmute, Kaptime, Riot0118, Mikes Grace, Kilplacer.

Jamaica (Raining and Muddy) Good Flavor. Port Delcer. Wise Barrister, 7 Chronology, Plunger, Billionaire. Keeneland (Raining and Muddy) 1 -Clean Swept. Lochee.

-Something Blue, Kiev Anna, Powder Box. 3-Isalot, First Course, Humane. 6 Sir Jim James. Equilibrium. Narragansett (Raining and Sloppy) -Grand Light, Wahcoo, Perfect Peace, Myrna Lee, Winking Moon, on the Dot.

2-Our David. Arga, Open Gate. 6-Prairie Dog. Automotive, Passenger FORD Motors, 1937, 2480 85 Tudor, Delaware, $275. cor, Tacoma.

O'Leary, heater, APAYETTE $545. 1939 club Taylor coupe, Brien, radio 2837 and Bal.ey. MERCURY 1939 extras; club 9000 coupe; actual radio, miles; heatmany will trade. Call Scotty, RI 6100. 1939 2-door sedan; radio, heater, defrosters; only Ostendort, 1221 Main.

2-door sedan, low mileMERCURY heater, 1339. $695. 3330 Bailey. TASH 1936 Tudor, heater, radio, $325. 3330 Bailey ave.

ASH Ambassador 1937 6, 2-door sedan, radio, $425. 3330 Balley ave. ASH 1938 6 sedan. trunk, conditioned, air heater looks new; reduced to $450. Nash-Coon, 1261 Main st.

ASH 6. 1940 4-door, air -conditioned, de luxe equipment; trade and terms. 1100 Hertel. ASH Lafayette 1937 sedan, $395, bed equipment, good tires. 3330 Bailey ave.

OLDS 1937 2-door touring sedan; $425. RI 3700, 2677 Delaware. OLDS 1939 2-door sedan, private for owner, cash special consideration given without trade. PA 3229, 5-7 P. M.

OLDSMOBILE 1939 bargain. sedan; Ballard company of2600 South Park, phone WO 1110. LDSMOBILES Thoroughly reconditioned. Miner, Oldsmobiles, 1296 Main. LDSMOBILES; the finest in the city.

Eagan Streng 2335 Main st. DLYMOUTH 1935 de luxe coupe, $179. O'Leary, 2480 Delaware, cor. Tacoma. DLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe sedan, $289.

O'Leary, 2480 Delaware, cor. Tacoma. PLYMOUTH 1939 silver-wing 2-door; built-in gray paint; radio seat covers, de luxe model; many extras; $645. A. W.

Julius, 1596 South Park. DLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe coupe, radio, heater, $475. Awald-Jenkins, 1117 Hertel pLYMOUTH A-1 1933 condition. sport 272 coupe Lathrop, model HU 5622. DLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe coupe, heater, 21.000 000 origibal nilles, beautitul black finish; trade: terms.

1743 Seneca. 1935 de luxe coach, good condition. Walker's Service Station, 202 W. Utica. DONTIAC 1937 business coupe, like new; radio, heater; private.

23 Laurel, upper DONTIAC 1939 6 2-door sedan, original gray finish. new white sidewall tires. guaranteed, $675. Villa -Pontiac, 2820 Bailey PONTIAC 1937 6 2-door sedan; privately excellent condition. low mileage; $425 Write Pontiac 7, News office.

for appointment. PONTIACS riman-Graham the finest in 2262 the city. Delaware. BerWILLYS 1937 de luxe sedan, a beauty, $229. O'Leary, 2480 Delaware, corner Tacoma ANGERT AUTO PARTS Will save you money on rebuilt Motors, Transmissions and Rear Ends; liberal terms AT BOTH STORES, 652 BROADWAY, CL 1730, AND SENECA AT BAILEY, A WO 1.

1600 A UTO Twin City buyers, Auto, for Deter used cars, 2720 Delaware. BEST Chevrolet, deal in 2585 town. Main Don st. Allen's City BETTER used DiBello-Pontiac, cars, all makes 1235-1275 and Main. modDROWNIE Motor over 150 fine used cars; save money in Lackawanna; 659 Ridge rd, TR 1325.

TOOLEY Motor 1274 Main Buffalo's downtown Ford dealer; the house of finer used cars. DODGE, Plymouth, used trucks, all kinds, sizes, types. Brost Motors. 1291 Main. H.

S. NIELSEN 2155 Bailey at Genesee, for that used car. teed used cars. st. LEIN-WEIL for reconditioned guaranLYTH bargains.

Chevrolet 1183 Buffalo's Jefferson. best used Motor 653 Fillmore. Chevrolet dealer, offers free pickup and delivery service anywhere In the city for Call TA 2763. BODIES--Late Models We have 25 complete on hand. What do you need? Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Pontiac, Dodge, etc.

MOTORS We have a nice assortment of late models, Ford. Chevrolet. Dodge, Plymouth, for sale or exchange. Get our prices. UPHOLSTERY Trim.

seats, cushions, for all makes and models. We can build or fix anything. PAUL A. DUNN SONS AUTO BODY REBUILDERS 2207 ELMWOOD RI 9725 'NEILL Motors for better used cars; Ford dealer. 437 E.

Delavan. HU 3831. DACKARD-Buffalo Inc. is a safe place to buy a used car. 1325 Main, GR 0490.

SEE Buick us for dealer, used 1575 cars. Main. Klepfer Bros. SMALL, medium and large cars. Maxson Cadillac-LaSalle Corp.

TSED cars from families who drive the best. Knox-Lacke Motors, 2495 Main. WILL saving sell of equity in a new Williamsville Chevrolet 85-J. at 1929) Ford private Fordor: 335 very Jersey good st, condition: Ford station wagon, A-1 condi1935 tion, radio, heater. 424 Adams st.

6-wheel rumble-seat 1935 Chrysler private owner. RI 6903. Chevrolet de luxe coach. needs 1936 some metal work but you can save $150 and buy this car at $139. Hunt Chevrolet.

2240 Delaware, RI 9776. de luxe 2-door: low mileage; will 1939 trade. Call Scotty, RI 6100. down buys a good used car at Frank $2 A. Johnston 1555 Main, at Ferry down.

$3 week. cars up to $110: $15 maximum finance charge. $10. Louis Engel Studebaker Distributor, 1116-20 Main: 1172-78 Main. Auto Service, Supplies MENDER, body repairing: budget plan Morrison Auto Hospital.

908 Ellicott. Auto Trailers STUDIO couch for trailers, factory to you, Wunder, 2963 Delaware. 1939 Palace sleeps trailer, 4 3911 toilet. Main bath. st.

oil Automotive, Wanted AUTOS -At condition. once, 2500 Superior cars and Wrecking trucks Salvage Co. Inc. 1281 Clinton TR 8010. and trucks, 5000, cash, any condition.

Jules Cohen TR 7200, 909 Balley. A UTOS---Cash for your late model car; paid off. Brown's, 26 East North ABANDON all paid anxiety, off; largest cash for used your car dealer in Buftalo. Motz Motors. 1114 Main.

AUTO PARTS, world's largest wreckers; highest prices paid for cars and trucks in any condition. Angert's, wrecking division, Seneca at Bailey, CL 1730 prices paid for late model cars. Saul's, 626 Genesee. HIGHEST cash Stephens prices Motors, paid for 3484 your Marin, used opposite U. of B.

Campus, HIGHEST Motors. prices, 2350 confidential Delaware, RI service. 8540. TSED cars wanted; we buy all makes late model cars; mortgages paid off. Kenmore Motors, Delaware and Hertel, WANTED equipped Second-hand with drawbar.

service Call motor- CL 9796. YE buy your car--any year, any model. Tuttle's. 1038 Main. WE minute buy for casn and pay off notes; 5- service: don't sacrifice your car or lose your credit; see us; largest used car dealers in W.

N. Y. Snider- -Brown 2380 Delaware, DE 6565. 25 cars O'Leary, at once: 2430 ready Delaware, cash; RI top 9677. dollar.

$300-54 Write offered Cash 63, for late News model office. coach Bicycles and Motorcycles NEW and tey-Davidson. used 984 motorcycles Jefferson, Buffalo LI 7154. Har- Boats and Marine Supplies BOAT supplies of every description. trmous Smith paints, marine glue.

hardware, life preservers, oars, paddles. flags, anchors "Sail makers for over 100 years. Howard Baker Co. 66-68 Erie st. BOAT trailer outboard.

for sale, 1158 suitable for 14-16- Clinton. BOAT marine supplies: hardware, paints, gray motors. sAilboats, cut board boats and motors, terms, open DE 0838. Boats and Marine Supplies Deaths April (Filed up to Noon, April 201 17-Mary E. Manning, 74, 986 Michigan, 17-Stanley Renkowski.

35. 131 Main. 16-Helen Kubiczek. 54. 756 Eagle.

16- James S. Savage, 74, 746 McKinley. 17-Katherine B. Collins, 69, 194 Lovering. 18 -Alfred Holser, 63, 79 Collingwood.

16 -Maryanna Dorobiala, 73, 80 Sweet. 17-Walter Kryszak. 44. 798 Seneca. 16-- John Snyder, 64.

782 Michigan. 17-Florence G. Eckert, 74, 208 W. Ferry. 18 Henry F.

Nehls, 76. 14 Olsen. 18 -Michael Kushin, 38. 21 Grey. 18 -Benjamin H.

Bateman. 84, 201 Norwalk. 18 Pauline D. Capelle, 73. 478 Cornwall.

18- Ida Van Patten, 52, 275 Locust. 18 -Mary Rathfon, 59. 135 Glenwood. 17-Augusta R. Batten, 68, 100 Heath.

-Giacoma Geract 64. 119 Carolina. -Anna Boccarossa, 13, 289 S. Division, -Carmela Autrino. 56.

307 S. Division. 18 Rose Privitera, 56, 362 141h. 18 Sebastian Radice, 61, 508 Prospect. 17-William Sheldon, 52, 325 Eden.

Meetings and Card Parties (Notices published here at a minimum charge of $1 per insertion of 3 lines: extra lines. 30c each.) Card party and Fashion Show, with a small charge for refreshments, will be presented by Townsend Club 30 in Highland Park Hall, Fillmore and Leroy Avenues, Monday evening at o'clock. There will be a card party at Doerfleins', Northampton Street at Kehr Street, Sunday afternoon, April 21 at 3 for the benefit of St. Joseph's Church, Varysburg. Two beautiful door prizes will be given away.

Many other fine presents. A card party will be sponsored by the 5th Ward Women's Democratic Club, at Gillitzer's 757 Broadway, Sunday, April 28th. Cards at 8 P. M. Valuable prizes.

NITY OF BUFFALO Executive Department. Division of Purchase. Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Division of Purchase. 202 City Hall, Buffalo, New York. until 11 o'clock A Eastern Standard Time.

Saturday, April 27th. 1940. for furnishing Testing Machine. to the Division of Engineering. and for furnishing Servi-Cars the Department of Police, in accordance with specifications on file in the Office of the Director of Purchase.

Each bidder must submit A certified check. or. in lieu thereof. a bid bond as provided in the specifications. In case of bidder's failure to enter into the contract and furnish the bond guaranteeing the performance thereof.

such check shall be and become the property of the City of Buffalo as the agreed and liquidated amount of damages to the City of Buffalo caused by such failure and that the penally of such bid bond In the amount of thereof shall be and become the minimum amount of the damages suffered by the City as liquidated damages caused by such failure. JOSEPH L. DOWNING. Director of Purchase. 1939 Town Chevrolet Sedan.

Master Radio, De Luxe heater, defroster $565 1936 Pontiac 4-D. Touring Sedan. Radio, heater $325 1934 Plymouth Trunk, De Luxe heater $165 ECHO SENECA 1294 PONTIAC DEALER I INC. Buick '37 Studebaker Sedan $385 '36 Cadillac Sedan $465 1575 MAIN ST. Auctions FrOUSE 2222 paints at Elmwood, auction near Tuesday, Kenmore, 1 AUCTION: including fine grade rugs, of at home auction furnish- Tuesday, 11 A.

at 2222 Elmwood, near Kenmore ave. Automotive, Commercial M. C. 1939 Tractor and 26 ft. closed G.

freight van. Semi -reconditioned. $2000 MANY OTHERS GENERAL MOTORS USED TRUCKS FACTORY BRANCH 21 JEWETT AVENUE UN 8388 DODGE 1935 stake, 157-inch wheelbase, duals PA 5087. new, used trailers, all sizes. Fruehauf Trailer 51 Perry st.

HIGHWAY semis. $165 down; trades; 5th wheels, mounting, $8. 65 Main. DANEL trucks, to THE reconditioned. 1065 Main, 7500.

TE have the following used trucks in good condition and priced for im mediate sale: 1 model A 1TR Autocar tractor, model 165X Brockway tractor, model 412 Diamond chassis, 1 model HG Federal tractor, 1 model A B. Mack dump truck. 1 model 140 Brockway dump truck. Autocar Sales Service 1122 Niagara. G.

M. C. dump truck; also dump body with St. Paul hoist, shield, batch board included. TA 0780.

1939 year: good tires. pickup. 66 used Comstock less than ave. Chevrolet C. 0.1 E.

tractor. 107' W. 0.. 33 5th wheel. 2-speed axie.

1939 safety tanks, vacuum controls; A-1 shape; $750. terms. Highway Trailer, 65 Main st. panel truck driven 6000 miles; practically new: real bar1939 gain at $545. Low Cost Automobile 1485 South Park, at Bailey.

TR 9141. Automotive, for Hire STAKE truck, 50c hour, plus 6c mile. Huron -U -Drive, CL 6441. Automotive, Passenger A USTIN cream 1933 roadster, beautiful excellent sport red mechanism and and rubber; $97. Brinkman's Used Car Market, 2667 Bailey, (VADILLAC 1936 convertible coupe, heater, new tires, $495.

3330 Bailey. CHEVROLET 1939 coupe, radio and heater. finish with red trim: your old car and $25 per month. Jerge Motors, 1647 Genesee, 1934 de luxe 4-door sedan, $175; knee action, tine running, origInal finish. radio, heater and defroster; private owner will arrange terms.

339 Argonne dr. CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe convertible coupe, built-in radio, heater. maroon finish; private; will finance. PA 5087. CHEVROLET 1934 master de luxe town $179.

O'Leary, 2480 Delaware. CHRYSLER 1937 Royal 6 coupe; $395. Echo Motors, 1294 Seneca. THRYSLER 1937 2-door with trunk, radio and heater, $415. North Bailey Motors.

2649 Bailey, DODGE 2 and 4-door sedans: clean parcars, 1933 to 1939: A large selection at lowest quick sale prices. Jack Zenner's, 2119 Souta Park at Harding. DODGE 1939 de luxe 2-door sedan, perfect conaltion throughout: new Car guarantee; special, $695. Great Lakes Motors. Used Car Lot, 2705 Bailey ave DODGE 1939 special coupe, heater.

defrosters, radio; new car value the low price of $589. Conshafter Farr 2670 Bailey ave. DODGE 1937 de luxe sport sedan. with trunk: big car comfort at small car cost: careful OK recondtioning assures long life and dependability; beautiful finish is almost like new; special sale price. $439.

Carl Miller Chevrolet, 1522 South Park TR 2323. DODGE 1936 4-door trunk sedan, $295. Justice, 1133 Main st. DODGE 1938 de luxe 2-door sedan, original black finish; radio, heater, motor completely rebuilt; guaranteed for 000 miles: special for only $359. Mcintosh, 2917 Balley, 1935 4-door de luxe, heater, dio.

$150. 3330 Bailey, HORD 1937 Tudor 85. heater and radio, new tires, $295. 3330 Bailey, 1937 85 Tudor. new tires, heater.

$239 1038 Main. WORD 1938 Tudor. trunk. original gray finish, low mileage, radio and heatert this car 15 111 wonderful condition and carries our famous 12 months' guarantee W. J.

Holmes 20 VORTS A Ford dealer, 1440 South Park, near Bailey, TR 4100. open evenings. LORD 1936 coupe, heater, good condition. $200. 3330 Bailey.

lumber. Arrow Tank 85 Leroy. PA 8500; after 6 P. M. UN 7384 19-ft.

runabout, like new; 130 H.P. motor; 40 m. p. $1350. Rich Marine Sales.

CHRIS-CRAFT. guaranteed condition; bargain. Buffalo Marine Mart, GA 2200. DUFFALO'S authorized Neptune factory service; used and new motors; terms; Neptune parts. PA 4311, 45 Berwyn ave.

TOR SALE 22-foot Chris-Craft runabout completely overhauled, used one month. See boat named "Virginia Holfelner" at Rich Marine Sales, foot of Amherst INSPECT Schweizer's 1940 All-Weather cabin; utilities. streamlined, luxuriously finished. 115 Ericson. 1940 Neptune outboard motors, all NEW models; no money down; as low as $1 week; liberal allowance for your old motor; immediate delivery at Angert's two stores, 652 Broadway and Seneca at Bailey.

SEVERAL excellent buys in used Richardson cruisers, priced to sell quick; also speed and sail boats. Richardson Boat Co. Inc. North Tonawanda, N. Y.

18 feet inboard utility boats. Inquire 692 E. Delavan, mornings. newly painted outboard runabout. 14 Call after 10 A.M.

Sunday, 76 E. Tupper. outboard runabout; motor, trail16 er; $165. 18 Blum, RI 9104. inboard runabout, for sale.

Call 16 CL 9407. 20 condition. runabout. $450. Ford V-8 GRant motor, 5422.

perfect Marconi rigged, cabin sloop. com26 piete with sails and equipment, in good condition: $475 or offer. E. H. Blong, 63 Hillhurst Toronto.

Ont. Building and Materials MINDERS, guaranteed, $3 load; 2 loade slag. stone, driveways built, repaired, excavating. filling; estimates free. Avery, LI 0093.

UMBER, cash and carry prices. Hurd Lumber 719 Bailey, WO 0026. UMBER, mill work, building materials; suggestions furnished for new homes remodeling: financing arranged. Bison Lumber 465 Cornwall PA 6900. MARBLE: several suitable truck for loads of residence Georgia or church construction: low for quick sale.

Huber-Lanctot Housewrecking 860 Hertel ave. RI 2312. BERGNER millwork. 64 carpenter; Terrace, WA lumber; 2308. Business Chances A building, modern, for sellreturn on investment; reason disagreement of partners; sacrifice.

Write Apt. 35. News office. DAKERY shop, good location, good bustness. Write Bakery 63, News office.

DAKERY for sale at sacriifce by widow; 1667 Jefferson near Florida; good I location for restaurant. BEAUTY shop illness. for GA sale. 9746. will sacrifice DEAUTY shop for rent, fully equipped, well established, good location.

PA 5814 BEAUTY lished, shop, reasonable fully equipped, TA well 1336. estabprice. DAIRY: one of must best equipped sacrifice in account city; business; serious sickness. Write R. B.

E. 33, News ELICATESSEN; excellent location; terms. Write No Agents 29. News office, DELICATESSEN, Kenmore; strictly stand modern; over $2000 month; strict investigation; $5800; terms. Chambers.

515 Brisbane CL 4933. DELICATESSEN, shelf grocery, confectionery; best buy in Buffalo; large fine store, 10-ft. electric delicatessen case, electric slicer, beer box, full clean stock; sales yearly; rent $50 month; strictly modern 5-room flat; price complete $2200: $1000 down. Hunt Realtor, 410 Brisbane Bldg. WA 5943.

DELICATESSEN, beer license, electric refrigerator, good business, quick sale account illness, owner. TR 5333. DINING car for sale; fully equipped. ready for delivery. Box 125, Silver Creek, N.

Y. DISTRIBUTORS within for a the best 200-mile -selling soft drinks in Western N. all varieties: must have own trucks and some capital; within short time all territories will be closed: speed is essential: golden opportunity. Write Pop. 40.

News office. DRY cleaning and tailor shop; good location; reasonable for quick sale. 592 Genesee. GARAGE, parking station; lot, old wash rack established and simonizing business, will sacrifice very reasonable; downtown district. Phone TA 1057 evenings for appointment.

1 AS station, 3 pumps. enclosed grease pit, small service garage: rent $13 month: intersection two main highways just outside city; fully equipped; owner ill; price $350 complete. Keystone, 892 Main. (JAS station. 7 pumps mixed gas; 2-car garage, lunch room, living rooms, inside toilets; rent $35; main highway; $250 required.

Keystone, 892 Main. ASOLINE station, cottage for rent, Seneca Springbrook, N. corner Davis rd. ASOLINE station for rent in Niagara Falls. N.

Y. on a busy thoroughfare, good community business; applicant must have successful business experience, also $500 in cash to pay for stock. Apply in person only to Simon Oil Co. 8th st. and Erie R.R.

tracks, Niagara Falls, N. between 10-11 A. M. I ROCERIES. meats, fruits and vegetables, $600 to $700 weekly business; present owner 20 years; all electric equipment; beer license.

Write W. B. 37, New office. TARDWARE business in small rural village; good location; price $2500. Axel Johnson, broker, 39 Buffalo Gowanda.

N. Y. ICE station for sale; established here years; York ice machine for refrigeration. UN 0777. AWN mower business; old established.

185 Wyoming UNCH car, reasonable; owner leaving city. Inq 243 Pierce. Hamburg 704. MAN chines; wanted must to have operate $500; coin A-1 control ences, large corporation will finance 857 of business. Write Manufacturer 26, New.

office. MEAT business; market, rent $25; suburban; full electric $14.000 yearly eration; $2200: terms. Chambers, 515 Brisbane CL 4933. DARKING station, gas pumps; around 150 cars daily; best downtown tion; $750 takes possession. Keystone, 892 Main.

ESTAURANT, Main East Aurora; income increasing: rent $35 including 4 rooms; price $1000; $500 required. Equitable Business Agency, 625 Main. RESTAURANT, new place; family trou. location; $900, worth $1200. WA 7492.

RESTAURANT partner account wanted or will sickness; fine location; over $350 weekly: brand new fixtures. fully equipped: sacrifice price, $1500, $500 down. DE 5036.0 DESTAURANT, well established, desirable location; reasonable. 85 Einiwood. DOOMING house: fine furniture, Frigid.

aire: $350. Morrison, LI 6234. THEATER. 300 seats, new sound and projection equipment; rent only $33 month: newly decorated; no nearby petition; $650 takes Immediate possession. Keystone, 892 Main.

TOURIST inn; acres land, Route 20; fine house. all conveniences, barn. chicken houses, berries, prunes, grapes, cherries, lawn. shrubs, owner will sacrifice, furnished or unfurnished. Realtor, 410 Brisbane WA 5943 DEAUTIFUL Club Moonglo, busy Lav.

ern, 460 Michigan. for sale or rent; fully equipped with famous champagne bar; sacrifice. complete diner car," estab. lished 11 years; bargain; Knapp. 780 Elmwood.

investigate. LISTABLISHED beauty shop. 15 years in good business: with or without property; sacrifice. Rutkowski. 58 Walden.

EXCELLENT oil properties 7 for sale, lease or option, George Baker, 24 Cary. EXCEPTIONAL grocery opportunity and to rent fully bakery at Erie and Derby Crystal Beach; established 25 years. GA 1800. FOR mile RENT- east -House of East and roadside stand. Aurora on Route 20A; newly decorated 8-room house with bath.

ideal for tourist trade: also 2-car garage; roadside stand 18x35 next to house, built and fully equipped in 1938; coffee equipment maker. consists of 8 cu, ft. Frigidare, chairs, Lunch Master, electric grill, tables, dishes, heater and all accessories necessary to modern lunch room, this equipment is for sale very rensonable. Inquire The Griggs Ball Co. East Aurora, N.

Y. phone A. 364. list of tourist camps service Lions restaurants, diners. meal stores.

blacksmith and CLe Ellis Bros..

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

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